Sunday, January 30, 2011

Updates on My Modeling Submissions!

Hey everyone! So if you read my last blog post, you knew that I was going to send in my photos to Marla Dell Talent Agency.And I just got my pictures developed on Friday! So now I have everything I need to send to them! I am going to be sending it here in the next couple days,and I am soo excited! I cannot wait! I could make $80-$180 and HOUR! YES AN HOUR! Lol! I am so psyched! I just wanted to update you guys real quick,and I will ttyl! 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Marla Dell Talent

So I was talking with my sister yesterday, and she was talking about how somebody came up to her and her daughter in the mall and said "Aw! She is so pretty!How old is she?". It was a lady from Barbizon Modeling. I have heard nothing but bad things from other people about that all they want is money,, yadayadayada..I have heard that YOU HAVE TO PAY THEM to model...thats not right.So she said that she talked to a member of her finaces family,and she(member of family) worked for Marla Dell Talent! She said she bought her first car with money she made through Marla Dell.
   I thought,WHY NOT GIVE IT A TRY?! I am going to be submitting my information to them as soon as I lose about 1-2 pounds, and get my abs back xD. I definetly recommend sending your information to them because they look like an amazing company.I must warn you though,you will not be selected if you live more than 1 or 2 hours from San Francisco,CA. Because they could call you on a moments notice and they will need you there! Here is the site:
