Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Resoulutions!

So we all know that the New Year is coming! Can you believe that TOMORROW is New Year's Eve?! I KNOW, RIGHT? Crazy. This year has gone soooo quickly! LOL : P Anyways, I have come up with my New Years resolution.....EAT HEALTHY AND GET ACTIVE! The past month it has been hard for me to stay healthy and work out because of all the food from the Holidays, and spending time with family. I mean,why work out when your family is over?! There is just no point. So I figured I would start in the NEW YEAR!! YAYA FOR HEALTHY!! I also want to do this because I am going to start looking into modeling! OMG YAY! LOL.I have dreamed of being a model for my whole life! To get my perfect body, I need to lose a couple pounds and get toned if I want to look my best...yaknow? I don't need anything drastic, because I am already somewhat skinny. I don't need to go on like weight watchers or anything xD. I would be a stick if I did that! Ahahaa ;P. Anyway, I wrote up my new workout plan, and I printed out a food diary so I can keep track of what I eat everyday,and another cool thing is that I can check off my water consumption!
       I decided I am going to do cardio,strength,and yoga.I am going to switch off everyday. So I don't get bored,ya know? Im actually super excited to do this! I cannot wait for the New Year!


Organize Your Closet to Make Choosing an Outfit Easier!

Hey dolls! I was thinking of a new blog post I could make, and I figured that I would do this one because I know that this trick helped me find outfits WAYYYY easier :). So what you can do to make choosing your outfits easier is color coating your closet! THATS ALL! For example: Hang all of your white shirts together, blue shirts together, brown shirts together, etc. I found that this trick helps me SOOO much. It helps me because I know exactly where to go if I am feeling like wearing a SPECIFIC color. So if I feel like wearing pink...I can easily go to the pink section and go through all of the pink only shirts.This also saves me time because I don't have to look through my entire closet and find all of the pink shirts that I own!

   I also find that it helps by organizing your closet by SEASON. For example: put all of your summer clothes together, winter clothes together, fall clothes together, etc. This makes choosing an outfit for the weather easier! Sometimes I even pick my outfit outfit a couple days earlier,and hang everything together so I can just grab the outfit, and slip it on easily.It doesn't really require much thinking if I do it that way : P.
If you are limited on closet space(say you share a closet with your sister or brother) look at garage sales, on, and thrft stores for cheap dressers! You can even buy a new one at the store if you would like.But, me personally, I love saving ALL THE MONEY I CAN FOR CLOTHESSS!!! hehe : ) With a dresser, just organize them the same way you would a closet, but its just drawers instead!( I RECOMMEND A DRESSER WITH ALOT OF DRAWERS) Put summer clothes in one drawer, and winter in another. Now with a dresser, though, you may have to be a little more concious when it comes to space. Because we know that dressers are not as big as closets! Maybe put brown AND pink tops in one drawer! Stuff like that!

I hope this helped : )

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Outfit Guides!

Hey girls! I know I always have trouble picking out my outfits in the morning....EVERYBODY DOES! But why not make it a little bit easier????? Well if you are having trouble finding an outfit,, GOOGLE THEM! Just go to and search something like "Outfits for teens" or "Outfits for women" or something like that! If you are looking for a specific style, you should add that in too! Like "Sophisticated outfits for teens" or "Classy outfits for women" Another thing you could do .... is search some online clothing stores! I lOVEEE to go to to get inspiration for outfits...I ALWAYS DO! I look at pictures of models outfits,and then go back to my closet and throw together an outfit similar! Its pretty easy...all you need to do is find the right picture to guide you! You can also check magazines(such as Seventeen Magazine and Vogue.I ALWAYS GET THE BEST RESULTS FROM THEM!). You could alsp try the magazines websites.What I do is open up a magazine and tear out pages that have possible outfit ideas and put them all together into a folder! That way if I am short on time I can just open up my folder and WALLAA! There is an outfit idea! In my case, sometimes I go into a magazine and I see outfits that may be a but mature for me. What you can do to make them more "Your Age", is maybe take away some of the acessories. Sometimes that can make an outfit look mature..the chunky jewlery! Also if the outfit has high heels, just substitute the high heels for more casual shoes that are THE SAME COLOR.

1. Look in magazines, online stores, or Google for outfit ideas
2. Print out the ideas you find on the computer
3. Tear out outfit ideas you find in magazines and put them together in a folder so you can go back to the folder when you are short on time
4. Tone down some outfits to make them more "Your Age".

good luck.! :)


Looking for an affordable and CLASSY outfit?!?

Heyy everyone! So I just went to Forever 21 today and I absoulutely FELL IN LOVE the second I walked into the store! I just wish I could buy the entire store! So anyways,I was expoloring their sit and they have this thing called "Fabulous Finds".Bascically what they are, are really amazingly cute clothes at super good prices. SO I wanted to put an outfit together using the items from the "Fabulous Finds" and tell you!

So when you go to , hover your cursor over the tab at the top that says "features". Then a menu will come up and click the first option, "Fabulous Finds".  Then scroll through the items and find these ones if you are interested.I will tell you what section they are in.

Outfit 1:
Fabulous finds Preppy Striped Boyfriend Cardigan $11.50
Fabulous Finds Fab V-neck Top $4.50
Fabulous Finds Fab Skinny Jeans $9.50
Fabulous Finds Princess Charm Necklace $1.50 NEWFabulous Finds Leatherette Harness Boots $22.50
Here is the link to the "Fabulous Finds" page ^^

Hope this helped :)