Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Resoulutions!

So we all know that the New Year is coming! Can you believe that TOMORROW is New Year's Eve?! I KNOW, RIGHT? Crazy. This year has gone soooo quickly! LOL : P Anyways, I have come up with my New Years resolution.....EAT HEALTHY AND GET ACTIVE! The past month it has been hard for me to stay healthy and work out because of all the food from the Holidays, and spending time with family. I mean,why work out when your family is over?! There is just no point. So I figured I would start in the NEW YEAR!! YAYA FOR HEALTHY!! I also want to do this because I am going to start looking into modeling! OMG YAY! LOL.I have dreamed of being a model for my whole life! To get my perfect body, I need to lose a couple pounds and get toned if I want to look my best...yaknow? I don't need anything drastic, because I am already somewhat skinny. I don't need to go on like weight watchers or anything xD. I would be a stick if I did that! Ahahaa ;P. Anyway, I wrote up my new workout plan, and I printed out a food diary so I can keep track of what I eat everyday,and another cool thing is that I can check off my water consumption!
       I decided I am going to do cardio,strength,and yoga.I am going to switch off everyday. So I don't get bored,ya know? Im actually super excited to do this! I cannot wait for the New Year!


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