Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Outfit Guides!

Hey girls! I know I always have trouble picking out my outfits in the morning....EVERYBODY DOES! But why not make it a little bit easier????? Well if you are having trouble finding an outfit,, GOOGLE THEM! Just go to and search something like "Outfits for teens" or "Outfits for women" or something like that! If you are looking for a specific style, you should add that in too! Like "Sophisticated outfits for teens" or "Classy outfits for women" Another thing you could do .... is search some online clothing stores! I lOVEEE to go to to get inspiration for outfits...I ALWAYS DO! I look at pictures of models outfits,and then go back to my closet and throw together an outfit similar! Its pretty easy...all you need to do is find the right picture to guide you! You can also check magazines(such as Seventeen Magazine and Vogue.I ALWAYS GET THE BEST RESULTS FROM THEM!). You could alsp try the magazines websites.What I do is open up a magazine and tear out pages that have possible outfit ideas and put them all together into a folder! That way if I am short on time I can just open up my folder and WALLAA! There is an outfit idea! In my case, sometimes I go into a magazine and I see outfits that may be a but mature for me. What you can do to make them more "Your Age", is maybe take away some of the acessories. Sometimes that can make an outfit look mature..the chunky jewlery! Also if the outfit has high heels, just substitute the high heels for more casual shoes that are THE SAME COLOR.

1. Look in magazines, online stores, or Google for outfit ideas
2. Print out the ideas you find on the computer
3. Tear out outfit ideas you find in magazines and put them together in a folder so you can go back to the folder when you are short on time
4. Tone down some outfits to make them more "Your Age".

good luck.! :)


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